Sunday, October 30, 2005 long do you think I'll last here?!!!!
I've been so tired lately.It's crazy annoying.
I'll go to sleep at 3:30/4:30 one night because I can't sleep and the next I can't stay awake. ohh...
At least I don't look that tired and stuff because that would just s**K!!!hmmmm
The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said,
"And know that if the nations were to gather together to benefit you withanything, they would not benefit you except with what Allah had alreadyprescribed for you. And if they were to gather together to harm you withanything, they would not harm you except with what Allah had already prescribedagainst you. The pens have been lifted and the pages have dried." [Reported by at-Tirmidhi]
May Allah bless you this Eid
make it a day you will fondly remember!
2 hours cookbook at 12:06:00 AM
Saturday, October 29, 2005
uhhhh...weekenndzz...juss aboutt frm the last monthh ma weekendzz rrr juss ..ohhh...nott busyyy butt LAZY.... What do I do during a super duper lazy weekend?!I slept till my mama scolded me and woke me up..haha!!
Nothing happens on most Saturday mornings.
hehhe...butt...i wakee upp as ssoon ass maa mom sayss...*gechh upp*...whilee ma sis. iss still sleepinn...n whenn i see herr sleepinn ...i tryy too sleep again..lolz....nn but...afterr all i cantt evenn keeep on sleepinn all thee dayy likee herr....ohh..thatss impossiblee....frm 12 to 12..ooouuuHh..haha...neverr...anywayy....
okk...backk to the weekendd.....n thennn me havee nothinn to doo...assignmentss..homeworkkzz alreadyy finishedd onn fridayy... umm examm preparationn...ummm not yett...actually havee donee itt alreadyy..heheh..onlyy too revisee...for ma exammz beinng on 1,2, n 3....ohhh...butt i knoww it wontt bee a simplee revisionn...heheh....nothinn changgin...lolz...anywayzz i am happyy thatt itt isntt on EID dayy..yeheyyehh..hehe..
okiess..backk to thee topicc..againn...heh...weekendzz...soo i call onn frdzz....umm...usually i spendd ma weekendzz withh familyy ass thee wholeee week iss outt...butt whenn dad is evenn busyy n no shoppinn planss...thenn maa cell talk n talkk...ohh...thoughh aintt thaaaat talkativee....i doonno whyy ppll call
me: おhhh!!元気?!!
caller: うん!まあ~元気かな~!
me:で~!!(i knoww thiss is somewatt rudeee....i alwayzz askk themm....
caller:うん!相談に乗れそうと思って~!!(oohh..onegaii....donnn donnn...chooosee meee...uaaahhh...)
caller:nn startss ...whichh neverr endss....uff...hehe....
nn alll theeirr probl. rr juss aboutt theirr affairrz,,..n stuff....ohhh coommeonn talkk someethinn elsee.......ohh godd..... Dont ask me to chill people..haha!! Coz that's what I have been trying to do for what seems like ages. Sometimes I succeed. Sometimes I dont..... And UNfortunately, uhhn.....maselff wanttoo chill....ohhh....anywayzz...ass forr frdzz i donn vee tooo manyy....thoughh mostlyy all(nn yeaa...i meannn allll..heheh...isntt thattt somethinn.umm.hheh) thee studentt givee a smilee whilee passinn byy...butt still... .but I suppose I'm the type who will only have a few friends.....(lemme countt...whenn im in thee trainn...4 frdzz..we meett att onee stationn untill thee nextt onee..thatss boutt forr juss 21min.. yeaa....thenn....whilee cominn outt off the stationn...catchh a bicyclee...nn find 3 frdzzz waitinn forr mee at thee cyclee standd....takinn 15 to goo to collegee....ohh..okkk...nn thenn startss morninn activitiess...umm theree rr totall...18 studentss...nn wee 4 seniors...thatss 4 frdz..heheh...okkk thenn itss 8 o clockkk thee teacherzz meetinn too startt...heree comeezz ma classmatess n frdz...heheh...maa frdzz rr there...nn we makee a groupp ovv 4...hehheh...n durinn luchh ...iff free...theree aree aboutt 9 studentss in ourr endd...activitiess againnn..ohhh...thee samee studenttss i mett att thee earlyy morninn...ohhh..STOP!!hehe..itss borinn i knoww...i knoww//.....)
but these friends are my closest. I dont have alot of friends..but all that matters is I have true friends. That makes a whole lot of difference......
ohhh...the activitiess..kill mee...nn speaciallyyy in ramadann....imm almostt deadd att 10...ohhhuu...
n watt the hell activitiess rr...itss a differentt storiii...........
n yeaa
ramadann endinn....nnn tommorroww suppose too bb the nightt ovv powerr(layilatul qaddr)...n i alreadyy gott a bigg lecturee frmmm ma sweet mama...itss likee :::For every farz duty, you get 70 times more sawaab then ur meant to...hmmm... And every nafl (extra stuff) u do, u get the amount u shouldve gotten for farz. ....So don’t waste ur time! Get up and start doing something USEFUL.....hopee urr lifee will changee.....n soo onnn... (sounds like an ad) ..ooppss..sorryy
n thenn ill sayy..
me:haaaann..pata heii...
mom:acha...pata thaa...(lolz..shee was kiddinn hehe)
me:or nai to kyaa...haha...
mom:abb jo bhi bataoo..pata heyy....
ohhhoo...anywayzz....i triedd to searchh on itt...
Ibn Umar (Allah be pleased with them) reported Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: Seek it (Lailat-ul-Qadr) in the last (ten nights). If one among you shows slackness and weakness (in the earlier part of Ramadan), it should not be allowed to prevail upon him in the last week."
ten day...juss feww leftt..ooOoO.....
Bismillah ArRahman ArRaheem
In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
1 Inna anzalnahu fi laylatil qadr
We have indeed revealed this (Message) in the Night of Power:
2 Wa ma adraka ma laylatul qadr
And what will explain to thee what the night of power is?
3 Laylatul qadr khairun min alf shahr
The Night of Power is better than a thousand months.
4 Tanazul almala'ikatu wa arruhu fiha bi'ithni rabihim min kulla amr
Therein come down the angels and the Spirit by God's permission, on every errand:
5 Salamun hiya hatta matla' alfajr
Peace!...This until the rise of morn!
Sadaq Allah AlAdheem
In other words, if we have not done what we wanted to in Ramadan so far... now is really the time to get going. Hope everyone is getting the most out of these last precious days and nights of Ramadan.
May Allah accept our efforts andd our good deeds and guide us all to get the blessings and reward of Lailat Al-Qadr n the month of Ramadan. Ameen.
2 hours cookbook at 10:52:00 PM
Monday, October 24, 2005
seriouslyy...i knoww u ve betterr thingzz to do thann readinn thiss...
hectic weeks have ended..umm..but justt forr a lil....yeaa...lil. timee.......hhmmmm....i hope no one askks mee wat wass i acctually holiz. for a few dayz...n noww wat i wanna do iss the last more than twO weekss....havee gonee justt likee neverR sleeeppt....(its justt i feel thatt wayy....okk..) wanna know whyy....get upp at 3:30 for sehri n never sleepp....haaaaaan...was leavinn homee at 6:30s n sometimeez even 5:30.....(isnt thatt too earlyy orr just im feelin that wayy)....takess me 30min to ma destinationn...n so ve to B theree at 6:00 or sometimezz 7:oo......hheee....activitiess rr becominn harderr alwayzz wantedd to do well...frm studiess to debatess to sports to songs.....hehhe...yeaa....n the pressuree aroundd.....(is it theree reallyy...i donno...butt still i feell)..yeaa...everyonee aroundd me thinkss that me is too smartt...evenn ma teacherzz...n justt 3 dayzz b4 ma principal wass sayinn soo....why is thattt.....i donno whyy...vee i everr donee anythinn thattt greatt....(for parents...umm...mayb i doo all thinngz mostly on timee n donee elegantlyy...heheh...)(for teacherz +principal..wheneverr theyy see mee theyy talkk aboutt the pakistani dancee...i leaded ma class in the 1st yr....n nextt winnin the all japan speech contestt{wheree i gott maa lovelyy lappy n ma facee on newpaperss....n that week whereverr ma dad wentt even for hiss own business orr wateverr hee wass alwayss showedd thatt pic...lolz...that was just surprisinn forr mee too...whenn ma neighborss came uppto mee n givinn mee the newpaper n congratinn me.....ohh...yeaa...that was reallly somethinnn to bb surprisedd off...heheh...}...n the lastt gott the prize of excellencee for the all japan essay contestt....lolz..the newpaperr storyy startedd once againn...hehhe...anywayy...)...+donn daree to thinnkk...thiss isntt juss a boastfull talkk.....okk back to where i was....(for ma frdz...umm...atleastt watever theyy askk mee i knoww mostt ovit...sooo mostt ov themm approachh mee forr theirr everydayy probl....ohh godd...theyy donnoo thatt evenn ma probl. neverr endd...n everyotherr dayy a tensionn surroundss mee....hhhuuu....umm....)
anywayzz...wateverr...i knoww tommorroww i wanna sleepp n sleeeppp...heheh..atleastt happyy for that...nn im justt too tiredd to goo will stopp heree b44 i startt makinnn u all borrr..
for noww..hereezz a poemm....hopee itss good...
There are times in life,
where yesterday past too soon,
that you never knew it came,
did you stop to look?
There are times in life,
where the song finished too soon,
that you never heard its chorus
did you stop to listen?
There are times in life,
where you just let go too fast,
that you never knew you held it,
did you stop to ponder?
There are times in life,
where the show ended too soon,
That you never saw the climax,
did you ever stop to watch?
There are times in life,
where you knew would never repeat,
but you knew you never wanted it to end,
did you ever stop it?
The song plays its tunes,
but we keep on walking,
keep on running,
never pausing a step,
never pausing a beat,
until its is over
We tried so hard to find,
the pieces we ourselves hide,
yet we never knew,
the real tune to the song,
we so dearly want to hear,
we so badly want to dancewhy?
we seek for love,
we despise hate,
yet we repell love,
we appeal hate,
is this the cause to run?
What more can we offer,
when we ourselvs don't know,
don't know why we do not stop,
why we run.
2 hours cookbook at 8:46:00 PM
Sunday, October 23, 2005
As the blessed month is passing quickly, what have you gained?If you feel you have scored a high mark for the past days, congrats! You can still do more to draw closer to God seems you haven't done much… Don't worry you still have chance… In the remaining days of blessings, try to make up for the past. Come on, it's Ramadan, a month of mercy, forgiveness and redemption from Hell................(hhmmm...i knoww this is for mee..hhhh)
2 hours cookbook at 2:59:00 PM
Thee sKy was screaminG~
yeaa...yesterdayy nightt was doin some work on ma deskk n theirr was an earthquAke...oooppss...watss happenin...every other dayy itzz there....seems likee am sittinn in a boatt whichh is movin by the waves....noww i mm quitee used to itt....scaredd thoughh......can almost guess the magnitudee atleastt by 5.0 mag. ....yesterdayz was this weeks 3rd quake....ooooHh....n todayy just b4 sehrii at 3:00 am....yeaa heavyy rain,wind,n it was thunderinn was horriblee....n yeaa.. it was really horrifyinn.....hmmm....justt as the skyy whichh usess to bb clear n beautifull bluee...was screaminn at nightt......------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
びっくり「僕が当選?」 「タイゾウが衆院議員になった!」
「僕、本当に当選ですよね?」。周囲に何度も確認したが、笑われるばかり。 北海道の両親に電話で「衆院議員になった」 と連絡したが、 事態が伝わる前に切られた。
焼き肉店での打ち上げでは「先生、酒」 「皿持ってきて」と使われた。 当選の実感がわかず、何度も首をかしげた。それでも「古い政治を変えていきたい」と決意を述べる目は真剣だった。
2 hours cookbook at 2:33:00 PM
Monday, October 17, 2005
There is only one happiness in life, to love and be loved.2 hours cookbook at 4:16:00 PM
Sunday, October 16, 2005
alright.............., heres the "quote"nn actualli itss ... all linked.i'll write it all in english:
Strive as much for this life as necessary
Strive as much for the after-life as it demands
Strive as much of pleasure of Allah as you need it
Sin as much as you have the strength to endure its punishment
Beg only from him who is indigent
Disobey Allah only when you can hide from Him
Allah is everywhere
And guess what? 100,000 ppl have passed away in the earthquake! ! sheesh.
it's really really very very sad...may Allah Bless all the quake victims.
will postt thee informationn on fund relieff goinn aroundd japann....well..lll...mosst of the groceries,shoppin mallz n even onn stationn onee mayy findd a bigg charityy box....but whilee puttinn somee frmm ma pockett.... a glancee in the boxx makess me sad...umm..yeaa veryy sadd when i seee itt full ov justt 1 yennz.....watt can i sayy ....thesee ppl will usee 100 thousanddz in a dayy juss for the brandedd stuff....orr eatt outt forr the sakee of their stomachh in an expensive frenchh restaurantt..but....hmmm...okk leavee itt.....
May Allah have mercy on the brothers and sisters who lost their lives. May He give the survivors sabr and Iman to get through it and stay strong. Ameeeen.
Subhan Allah, His power and might is infinite. Qaddara Allah wa ma sha'a fa'al.
Allahu akbar, La Ilaha Ila Allah.
Alhamdu Lillah for everything we have.
There are people today who have lost their families, homes...... everything, it's in times like these that we are reminded how much we take for granted in our lives.
Alhamdu Lillah Rab Al Aalameen.
all i can sayy is.....please keep praying for the Pakistan earthquake victims and all our suffering brothers and sisters all over the world.
And Allah is The Most Gracious, Most Merciful....byee for now...
2 hours cookbook at 7:45:00 PM
Saturday, October 15, 2005
okay, this is getting pretty scary now.whats going on around here? first, there was the tsunami, then, hurricane katrina, and the hurricane rita and now this earthquake in pakistan.
this is honestly starting to freak me out!! is this a sign?!ahh!!no..noo..nooo... okay, before i start screaming my head off better get to prepare for iftari.
Will update a tagged thingamajig later....yea... later!
for noww heree a nicee poemm.....go onn~
Listen with ur heart....
It's easier for you to walk away, than it is for you to reach out to me.
It's easier for you to look away, than it is for you to see the depth of my despair.
It's easier for you to look through me, than it is for you to see "me."
It's easier for you to distance yourself, than it is for you to really care.
It's easier for you to hear, than it is for you to listen.
It's easier for you to bask in your joy, than it is for you to feel my pain.
It's easier for you to bewilder at my mysteries, than it is for you to probe deeply into the depths of my soul.
It's easier for me to look away, than it is to let you see the feelings betrayed through my eyes.
It's easier for me to cry, than it is for me to talk.
It's easier for me to walk alone, than it is to risk rejection.
It's easier for me to push you away, than it is for me to be held.
It's easier for me to distance myself, than it is to trust that you won´t hurt me.
It's easier for me to die, than it is for me to face life's challenges.
It's hard for me to smile when I am hurting.
It's hard for me to talk when you won't understand.
It's hard for me to reach out when I need help the most.
If only you'd really look at me and see who I am.
If only you cared enough to reach out when I push you away.
If only you'd hold me, without asking why.
If only you'd acknowledge the validity of my feelings.
It's easier for you to judge, than it is for you to understand.
It's easier for you to label, than it is to get acquainted.
But it's the easy roads that are most often taken.
And so I hurt alone~.
2 hours cookbook at 7:50:00 PM
Friday, October 14, 2005
Brother Beat!!!





2 hours cookbook at 6:39:00 PM
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
杉村太蔵。ブログは .
2 hours cookbook at 12:27:00 AM
そして家族、友達 もぅホントにありがとうございます。
2 hours cookbook at 12:02:00 AM