Sunday, February 18, 2007

Who are you?
Look at yourself in my eyes broken by the pain -
and see your thousands reflections.
This is you - cruel and sharp as a knife,
kind and tender, scared and lonely.
Look into my eyes - this is the color of love,
You will find yourself in each of my tears.
Taste my tears - this is the taste of love,
bitter and sweet, never ceasing.

Though they say to be happy I must unroll the time
to the point when your image was one -
I want to remember you always like this,
as seen through my eyes broken by pain.
I won't gather the pieces to make an ideal of you -
You will never fit one single image.
I want to surround myself with your thousand reflections,
when you are not with me anymore.

2 hours cookbook at 3:47:00 AM


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